Paid Membership Benefits:
- 1 FREE accumulating entry into every draw each week
- Early access to all new Salire collections
- Exclusive Early Bird promotion emails
- 10% discount on Salire products*

Paid Membership Benefits:
- 5 FREE accumulating entries into every draw each week
- Early access to all new Salire collections
- Exclusive Early Bird promotion emails
- 15% discount on all Salire products*

Paid Membership Benefits:
- 10 FREE accumulating entries into every draw each week
- Early access to all new Salire collections
- Exclusive Early Bird promotion emails
- 20% discount on all Salire products*
Products are ordered from partners upon your order to provide you the best price possible. Because of this some items may be out of stock or have a delay in shipping.
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Win a bike every 8 weeks!
Being a Club Salire member allows you to save hundreds with exclusive discounts on SALIRE and entries into our weekly giveaways. Winners announced at 5:30pm AEST every Wednesday via @salire.club instagram page
Win a Elilee Blize Bike worth $9,500
Draw Date : 26th March 2025

Wed. February 5. Pillar Performance Pack
(valued at $250)
Wed. February 12. Magene Radar Tail Light
(valued at $200)
Wed. February 19. Ceramic Speed OPSW RS
(valued at $800)
Wed. February 26.Wahoo Roam V2
(valued at $600)
Wed. March 5. Styrkr Nutrition Pack
(valued at $350)